Friday, July 27, 2007

Professional Development Planning

I am working trying to plan professional development workshops for next week. It is hard to believe that school will start for my teachers on August 2. This year after attending NECC, I am so excited about Web 2.0 tools. I must get my teachers to embrace this technology. So...I have 1/2 day that I am going introduce blogs, wikis,and RSS feeds. I also have to explain to them the best way to use Inspiration 8.0 and the new Office 2007. Then I have two more days of professional development where my teachers and I are planning for the Southern Association review team that is coming to visit. I have a wiki all set up and we are going to finish our report using a wiki. I have spent the last two weeks planning for these professional development workshops.

I learn so much reading blogs that others have done. My bloglines account has 37 feeds and I add to it constantly. I love reading all sorts of information and how they are using technology. I also am downloading podcasts all the time to listen to when I have a long drive. What great learning tools are available right now? What does the future hold? I can't wait to find out.

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